Soul Mapping

The Online Self-Study Soul Mapping Course offers an immersive and experiential adventure into self-discovery, designed to bring next-level clarity and self-knowledge.

As a participant, you become a detective of your own life, identifying and integrating parts of yourself that yearn for recognition and acceptance. This process of self-discovery not only brings about personal ease and flow but also empowers you to make more informed choices about your career, relationships, and life goals. The Soul Mapping course transcends the need for traditional therapy methods, focusing instead on soul-level issues to foster genuine self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

What People Are Saying:

As great as it is getting to discover myself and my purpose, the biggest thing to come out of the persona language for me is the ability to relate to people better. It builds a lot of tolerance and compassion when you can understand the other person is coming from their own mix of persona’s and shares the same challenges of integrating them in the context of our family and cultural blueprints. Katie Eden Todd and the Persona language couldn’t have come into our lives at a better time and my family and I feel so blessed and grateful to be here. Xx


I’ve been attending Katie’s persona classes for over 2 years now and have loved every single online class. Katie’s classes are engaging and interweave psychology, teaching, learning and assessment principles including social and emotional learning, personality theories and mental health. The connections and bonds developed during the course of the classes are invaluable. Katie is a phenomenonal presenter and therapist and I would highly recommend this training program to anyone seeking to learn about themselves.


For me the Persona work has really helped my understanding of the “why” behind my reactions and behaviours. It's only from this place that I have been able to self parent effectively. It’s amazing how stuck we can be in these “shame cycles” without even realising it and no-one can grow within that environment. Understanding each Persona specifically has also been a game changer with the parenting of my son. As he has Personas I don’t, being able to meet him where he is at and parent from there is something I will forever be grateful for.


Katie’s work is genius and life changing. It is applicable to all areas of life and is a mastercourse that we should all do in understanding ourselves, others around us, society as a whole and how we fit into this world and the world beyond. I have grown more than I have known possible and the influence that this has had on my relationships and understanding of others (personal, work, family, society) has been phenomenal. And genuinely healing. This work is genius and everyone would benefit from doing it. It is not only life changing but world changing and exactly what our world needs!


I always knew there were things in my past that had held me back, but it’s only as I’ve worked through this course that I’ve realised how much of my real self I had squashed in order to try and fit into the world around me. The work is challenging- it requires dedication and the willingness to dig deep into yourself to make the changes required- but the rewards are mind blowing. This year has helped me view my relationships and my interactions in ways I have never been able to before. It has given me the courage to move towards the things that make me happy and allow my true self to be seen by the world. I will be forever grateful to the Persona team.


Katie has laid out an incredibly rich and deep framework for understanding what it is to be human and how to navigate life and her many challenges. Her work is invaluable for good relationships especially with one of the most important people, yourself. The Personas help me understand and accept parts of myself I didn’t like and shines a light on my potential and subtler gifts too often overlooked. Katie’s delivery of her work has always been very generous raw and authentic. She lives her teachings and is a inspirational example of how well it can work. I couldn’t recommend her work enough.


$297.00 AUD

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  • All sales are final. No refunds are issued once a sale is completed.
  • The information in our E-course is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide any type of diagnosis or substitute for medica, or professional advice. 
  • This E-course is intended for people who wish to improve their relating skills and self-awareness. However, we make no representations, guarantees or warranties that the information or exercises in our E-course is appropriate for you or will result in improvement.
  • The information in our E-course is by no means complete, or exhaustive and therefore does not apply to all relationships. 
  • The information and instruction in this E-course is not intended to be “therapy” or specific relationship advice. Any decisions you make in regards to your relationships are your own responsibility. 
  • Any reference to or mention of any particular traits, behaviours or dysfunctions is intended for informational purposes only and not an attempt to diagnose particular problems.
  • By purchasing this E-course and embarking on the journey of self-awareness, you are assuming the risk that the resources or content may not be appropriate for you or your situation.
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  • This E-course is intended solely for Users who are at least 18 years of age or older.  Any use of or access to our E-course by anyone under such, is unauthorised, unlicensed and in violation of these Terms of Use.
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  • Katie Eden Todd PTY Ltd, including all our affiliates, have no liability whatsoever for your use of this content.