Katie Eden Todd's

Cellmates to Soulmates

Transforming how we give and receive love

Do any of these scenarios


What You'll learn in this Course:

Cellmates to Soulmates


✓ A checklist for identifying Cellmate and Soulmate traits in relationships

✓ Your dominant relating style and how it shows up in your relationships 

✓ Understand the psychology behind why you choose certain partners

✓ Learn what is in your power to change - and what isn’t

✓ Learn what love really is and how to nurture it in your relationships

✓ Recognise what you bring into relationships

✓ Understand why we get stuck - and how to get unstuck

✓ How to model healthy relating skills to our partners, kids and friends 

✓ Uncover Family Replicas (do you sometimes behave as your mother/father would?)

✓ How to attract and identify healthy relationships 

✓ The language of 'MFN' giving you clarity and confidence in naming and owning relationship issues and values. A language that brings you CLOSER in hard times.

✓ Four Fantastic Relationship Outcomes!


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Dominant MFN Relationship Styles

Each 'dominant relating mode' (not gender specific) represents certain values, traits, strengths and weaknesses. Light and Shadow / Adult and Child. We all have to own both sides.

Familiarity with your own and your partners dominant style of relating creates a bridge to understanding and empathy. The shared language becomes the connective tissue needed for relating.

Take MFN Quiz

Dominant Masculine (M) - Temperament is HOT

They fire up quickly and are passionate and impulsive. Are extremely brave and resilient. Doers, hero's and leaders. Easily misunderstood and often judged for emotional intensity and fiery outbursts.

Child: Impatient, demanding, entitled, arrogant, controlling, angry, manic

Adult: Resilient, decisive, confident, inspiring, passionate, assertive, courageous

Elder: Innovative, leader, humble, pioneer, mentor and champion of others

Dominant Feminine (F) - Temperament is MELLOW

They are creative and imaginative. Gentle nurturers who bring compassion and empathy. Fantastic healers and carers. They avoid conflict and prefer things to stay light. They prefer others to lead and make decisions. Their constant giving often leads to them being taken for granted.

Child: Timid, indecisive, worrying, lost, paralysed, pretending, conflict avoiding

Adult: Intuitive, self-honouring, joyful, setting boundaries, empathic, patient

Elder: Care, heal, unite, birth and create community

Dominant Neutral (N) - Temperament is COLD

They are pragmatic problem solvers who rely on logic and facts over all else. Incredibly efficient and independent they love nothing more than ticking ‘done’ on their never-ending to-do lists. Staying 'in their heads' can keep them apart from their emotions and often connection.

Child: Cold, condescending, rigid, too independent, busy, perfectionist, patronising

Adult: Ethical, responsible, honourable, balanced, practical, visionary

Elder: Problem solve, inform, plan, bridge, dream builders


Course Journey: Moving from Child to Elder


Meet your inner saboteur. This is you when you default to your dominant relating style's shadow behaviours. Many spend most of their lives 'in Child'.


This is when you are self-aware and actively practicing self-management and relating skills. Staying 'in Adult' is a requirement for showing up as a Soulmate.</p


Elders automatically flex their emotional intelligence and self-parenting muscle. Their calm, loving focus and energy is directed to joy, purpose and global change.

Katie Eden Todd

 (B. Mus., B. A. (Psych.), Post Grad. Dip. Psych.)

Katie Eden Todd is the Author and Founder of the User Guide to Humans, the Persona Archetypes, Soul Mapping and the MFN language.

For over 30 years, she’s worked as a therapist in private practice, specialising in her original Archetype and Persona Language.

Katie’s life work has culminated in her ‘User Guide to Humans’ learning hub, models of self-awareness and Persona Language. They enable individuals, relationships, families and communities to fulfil their life purpose and potential.

Course Overview

9 clear steps from Aware to Self-Parenting to Giving and Receiving Love as your most authentic self

Learning Outcomes


+ A language to see, understand and describe who you and your loved ones are, in relationships. Embracing all aspects of ourselves with empathy, kindness and clear boundaries.

+ This course will reveal if you are in Cellmate or a Soulmate relationship. You will learn what love is - and what love isn't.

+ A clear path to connection and love with skills to show up as a Soulmate, to yourself and others. Knowledge of how to move from Shadow to Light in your MFN style.

+ Discernment in choosing future relationships. You will have an understanding of why you have chosen certain partners in the past and what to look for in the future.

+ You will have the confidence, the language and Self-awareness to communicate within relationships without conflict, shame or blame.




AUD $297
Program Includes:

Lifetime access to the 9 Course Modules

Reflections Workbook

Guided Music Reflection Journeys

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