Leanne Tololeski

Persona Archetype Coach

MY SOUL MAP:  Elven Swan | Sparrow | Owl | Nightingale | Peacock | Raven

I am deeply connected to Mother Earth, her stories and all of her inhabitants.
A holistic Chiropractor and a Persona Archetype Coach - I have had the honour of attending to and holding space for souls from the womb to the tomb.
My passion lies with meeting and owning who you truly are, honouring the seasons and cycles of life, birthing the sacred feminine, reconnection to sacred ancestral lines and most importantly - holding space for you to come home.
Compassion, empathy and allowing each Soul to 'come as you are', are how I connect with clients.
I am here to support you to find your Soul Map and birth and own what your Soul came here to do.
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